What Is Type 3 Diabetes?

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What Is Type 3 Diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a common metabolic disorder affecting about 37.3 million Americans, and more than 422 million people globally. It is characterized by elevated glucose levels in the blood and is classified into three types – Type 1, Type  2, and Gestational Diabetes (GDM).

However, recent scientific evidence reveals a fourth type of diabetes, Type 3 Diabetes. Type 3 Diabetes is a newly proposed classification of diabetes by the medical community, which involves the involvement of the brain in glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. This is in contrast to the other types of diabetes primarily linked to peripheral organs such as the pancreas.

Clinical diagnosis of diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are often separate and distinct, but recent research findings suggest a strong connection between the two conditions. However, there are still debates on whether health associations recognize Type 3 Diabetes as an independent entity or if it is, in fact, a risk factor for dementia.

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Causes Of Type 3 Diabetes

Type 3 Diabetes is associated with insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which has been found to play a role in the development and progression of AD. IGF is an important hormone involved in regulating glucose and fat metabolism, as well as cell growth and differentiation.

Recent studies suggest that impaired IGF signaling could be one of the underlying reasons for developing Alzheimer’s disease. People with a genetic predisposition to AD have been found to have lower levels of IGF than those without the condition, which could cause an increased risk of developing Type 3 Diabetes and AD.

Other risk factors associated with Type 3 Diabetes include the increased blood sugar levels. High blood glucose levels are associated with increased inflammation and the release of free radicals, which can damage the brain cells.
This can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, or Vascular Dementia and other neurological disorders. Developing Vascular Dementia is also associated with insulin resistance, which is a major contributor to the development of Type 3 Diabetes.

Type 3 Diabetes Symptoms

There are no definitive tests to diagnose Type 3 Diabetes, as the symptoms are often similar to those of other types of diabetes and Alzheimer’s. But according to several studies, common symptoms include the following:

Cognitive Decline

Because Type 3 Diabetes involves the brain, it can cause cognitive impairment and memory loss. This can manifest as difficulty concentrating, confusion, poor decision-making skills, and learning difficulties.

Mood Changes

Some patients may also experience mood changes, such as depression or anxiety. People with Type 3 Diabetes may also have problems with impulse control, irritability, and restlessness.

Diagnosis Of Type 3 Diabetes

As of now, the diagnosis of Type 3 Diabetes is based on a clinical assessment and laboratory tests. A blood test can measure insulin levels, glucose tolerance, and other biomarkers to determine whether the patient has any underlying metabolic disorders. Doctors may also perform imaging tests such as brain MRI or PET scan to help identify any potential brain damage.

How To Treat Type 3 Diabetes

Since Type 3 Diabetes is a newly classified condition, there are no specific treatments available yet. But some lifestyle changes may help improve symptoms and prevent further progression.

Insulin Degradation

Studies about insulin-degrading enzymes (IDE) have shown promising results in insulin receptor signaling cascade and cognitive function, which can be beneficial in managing Type 3 Diabetes. However, there is still further research needed as to how exactly this can be used in treating Type 3 Diabetes.

woman eating healthy diet

Proper Diet

What you eat and how much it can significantly impact your overall health, including Type 3 Diabetes. Avoiding foods causing diabetes can help manage symptoms and reduce the risk of further development. A balanced diet, including healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, can help maintain blood sugar levels and improve brain health.

You can make a proper diet plan by consulting a nutritionist who can help you determine the right foods to eat and proper portion sizes. This will help you increase your intake of vitamins and minerals and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

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Prescription Medications

Medications can help treat cognitive symptoms associated with Type 3 Diabetes. For instance, they can help improve mental alertness, memory, and concentration. Your doctor may also prescribe mood stabilizers to help manage mood swings and other psychological symptoms.

Type 3 Diabetes is a newly proposed classification of diabetes by the medical community. And while there are still debates regarding its status as an independent entity, there is a strong connection between Type 3 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

By staying aware of the signs and symptoms associated with Type 3 Diabetes, you can take steps to help manage the condition. This will help you recognize the condition early and take appropriate steps to control it.

Final Thoughts

The above information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. We all know that certain foods can help to minimize blood glucose levels as well as helping to reduce the risk of developing Type 3 Diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate healthy eating habits into your lifestyle to control and help manage mood swings and other psychological symptoms. Further, you can check out the food products that cause illness in men and stay away from them. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider to understand the best treatment options.

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