Is Dark Vagina Normal? Here’s What You Should Know

onion conceptualizing a vagina
  • Vaginal skin color varies from one person to the next. Even women with the fairest tan in the room can have a dark vaginal area and that is perfectly normal.
  • Besides the natural internal skin processes, vaginal discoloration and a dark vagina can also be influenced by aging, inflammation and hormones.
  • Many women look for ways to lighten dark vaginal areas and slow down the process like vaginal bleaching and chemical peels.
  • A dark vaginal area is listed as a side effect of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a medical condition connected to ovaries and hormonal disbalance

Women’s bodies come in different shapes, sizes and physical traits that make us unique. Some of these physical traits are extremely visible, while others are visible only to us. Women witness a lot of changes that affect their bodies in one way or another. 

One such change that goes unnoticed by others is vaginal darkening. We refer to a dark vagina when we notice the skin in the private parts starts to darken. Although a completely natural process, for some women it goes unnoticed. For others, however, it can be a problem because a dark vag area can significantly affect self-confidence.

Why Does Vaginal Skin Color Vary Among Individuals?

Vaginal skin color varies from one person to the next. Why? Because our natural skin tone also plays an important role in whether women have light or brown vaginas. Even women with the fairest tan in the room can have a dark vaginal area and that is perfectly normal.

There are beliefs that in the post-puberty period many girls experience the darkening of their intimate areas. So, a dark labia, scrotum or anus is not something groundbreaking in human evolution.

There isn’t a defined “normal” skin tone simply because it looks different from one person to the next. Before asking yourself “Why is my private area dark?” take into consideration your main skin tone. Each person produces different amounts of melanin and that process is affected by various factors, including genetics.

What Are The Factors That May Cause Dark Vagina?

Besides the natural internal skin processes, vaginal discoloration and a dark vagina can also be influenced by numerous factors. So, why has my labia turned black? Some of the most common factors that might influence the causes or increase the visibility of dark skin in the groin area include:

  • Hormones: Hormones impact cells (which are very sensitive in the pubic area) where melanin is produced. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, aging or disease can result in increased pigment in some skin areas.
  • Friction: Friction can increase melanin production. Skin-to-skin rubbing, clothes and even shaving can produce darkening of the skin in intimate areas.
  • Inflammation: Friction can also cause skin inflammation resulting in post-inflammatory darkening. This can occur due to moist skin friction in the skin folds, ingrown hairs, inflammation of the skin follicles or yeast infections.
  • Aging: Hormonal changes and repeated trauma reflect on the skin showing evidence of change. This counts for every part of the human body, but you can especially notice it in the private area due to friction and hormones.

What Are The Common Differences In Vaginal Skin Color?

There are some common cases of discoloration on vag to be aware of regardless of whether you experience noticeable labia darkening or not. Genetics, lifestyle and outdoor factors have an individual impact on every woman.

Women should be aware that a dark vaginal area doesn’t have to mean that the darkening affects the whole area. Some women experience gradual vaginal discoloration throughout their whole intimate area. Other women experience darkening in the inner thighs, and the vulva or have a dark labia.

The natural vaginal tone can vary from pink, red, burgundy or wine color. Once darkening starts occurring, the color may naturally change to dark.

What Are The Factors Affecting Melanin Production?

Hormones and aging are the two main reasons your body can start producing more melanin. Inflammation, injuries and sun exposure can also be factors that greatly impact melanin production as outside factors.

Injuries like scratches, cuts and scabs can all create post-trauma discoloration. Although these can be rare in the vaginal area, hair removal procedures can cause skin trauma and inflammation that results in dark skin.

Similarly, sunlight exposure can increase melanin production and lead to vaginal discoloration.

The skin in the private areas does not have direct sunlight exposure. However, hair removal procedures before vacations, tight clothing in the summer and UV rays that reach the skin once it is bare can lead to a dark vagina.

Is Darkening Of Vagina Normal?

The question “Why is my vagina so dark?” usually makes women think this only happens to them. Guess what? Having a dark vagina is a completely normal and natural process that happens with age or is affected by other factors. The skin can be showing more pigment in any part of the body, including elbows, knees, back and shoulders. It is a natural skin process referred to as hyperpigmentation.

As mentioned, the process happens gradually and there are no side effects or complications. If you think inflammation is the reason behind the vaginal darkening, keep the area clean and dry and watch out for infections while the inflammation is active.

Can Dark Vaginas Change Over Time?

The skin in your private area will change its elasticity and color over time. Again, depending on your skin tone, the darkening can be noticeable or slightly visible. Gradual progression of discoloration is not excluded.

Keep in mind that there is no natural process that can reverse the skin back to the state it once was. This also goes to say that any drastic change that happens on the skin, especially in intimate areas, should be checked by a medical professional.

female doctor

Are There Any Medical Conditions Associated With Vaginal Skin Discoloration Changes?

Generally speaking, this is a natural process that comes with age and lifestyle, but a dark vag area can be listed as a side effect of a medical condition. Doing regular physio and gynecologist checks to determine whether there is a deeper reason for vagina discoloration.

A dark vaginal area is listed as a side effect of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a medical condition connected to ovaries and hormonal disbalance. Women who suffer from PCOS have higher levels of androgen, which is a male hormone that changes the color and texture of the vagina.

Vaginal discoloration can also be a result of drastic hormonal imbalance, as hormones directly contribute to hyperpigmentation. You can follow your hormone balance with a physician, gynecologist or fertility specialist to make sure that everything is in order. 

In addition, you can always implement lifestyle changes like regular sleep, more fresh and healthy food in your diet and regular workouts to stay on top of your health.

What Treatment Options Are Available For Discoloration Abnormalities?

We must learn to understand and accept the skin changes occurring in our body. We have to admit that they can be uncomfortable and affect our self-esteem. Many women find these changes unappealing and immediately start looking for ways how to lighten vag and slow down the process.

If you decide to treat skin discoloration, consult a medical professional who can guide you through the treatment risk-free and easily. These are some of the commonly known methods for treating skin discoloration:

  • Vaginal bleaching: Vaginal bleaching is a procedure that involves using topical creams and lasers to lighten the skin of the general bikini area. However, this treatment doesn’t include whitening the internal vaginal canal. It’s only done on the vulva (the external genitals) and inner thighs.
    • Chemical peeling: This treatment includes the application of a solution containing various chemicals that work to remove dead skin cells from the outermost layer. This will in turn stimulate new skin to grow and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. This treatment can be used in the vaginal area, but it should be used with caution as it can damage sensitive skin and cause irritation. 
  • Hygiene & skin care: Hygiene and skin care are essential in maintaining the look of your intimate area. Good hygiene can prevent infections and cause vaginal pH imbalance. Skin care in the private area is as important as facial skincare. Avoid heavily scented products on the lower part of the body, use vaginal washes if necessary and moisturize the area regularly.

General Tips For Maintaining Healthy Vaginal Skin

Along with upkeeping a healthy diet and maintaining impeccable hygiene, here are some tips that can help women keep their vaginal area and skin healthy:

  • Maintain regular hygiene: Wash the intimate area daily with warm water and mild soap, but don’t wash the inside of the vagina. 
  • Wearing comfortable underwear: Cotton underwear prevents build-up of smell-producing bacteria and reduces the accumulation of moisture. Avoiding thongs and tight-fitting clothing to avoid the appearance of infections and odors.
  • Keeping the skin moisturized: Use home remedies like aloe vera and coconut oil, or pharmacy creams with the correct pH levels to keep the vaginal skin moisturized. This is important for upkeep of its elasticity and health. Try to avoid heavy and strong scents as they can be counter-productive.
  • Avoid hair removal procedures: Hair removal is a personal choice and if you want it done opt for time-balanced sessions or laser removal, as shaving and waxing can contribute to discoloration.

When To Seek Medical Advice For Concerns?

Use your regular check-ups to consult your medical practitioner about the changes occurring to your body. This will bring peace of mind and ensure that everything is well.

If you notice any drastic change over a small time period, you should immediately contact a doctor that will guide you through further testing and control processes.


Promoting Self-Acceptance And Body Positivity

Taking care of our body, especially the intimate parts is essential and we have to acknowledge that changes are inevitable. Accepting ourselves and appreciating the way we evolve can be encouraging to our spirit.

Having a dark vagina is a normal thing and many women are facing this challenge. The important thing is to follow the advice given by your gynecologist and maintain good hygiene. 


Is it safe to lighten private area?

There are benefits and risks when deciding to lighten the private area. If you decide on a lighting method, consult with a medical professional beforehand.

inner thighs

How can I lighten my inner thighs and private?

There are a number of at-home and over-the-counter remedies that can help lighten the skin. You can try vaginal bleaching and chemical peeling as a way to lighten the vaginal area. However, speak to a medical professional before deciding on one appropriate for your condition.

How do I remove blackness between my thighs?

Over-the-counter treatments like creams and retinoids can help lighten blackness on the thighs, as well as other at-home remedies. You can also try vaginal bleaching which treats the area around the inner thighs. 

Can I lighten the inner VAG lips?

Although vaginal bleaching lightens the skin in the vaginal area the procedure does not whiten the inner part of the vagina. Trying any other method may be risky and cause irritation of the skin.


Skin discoloration is a completely natural process that is usually affected by age and hormones and many outside factors can impact the process. 

There are ways to keep the skin healthy even with discoloration by upkeeping good hygiene. There are also treatments that can help lighten the skin, but please make sure to consult with a medical professional before deciding on doing one. 

There is nothing shameful about skin discoloration, no matter where hyperpigmentation is present. Body changes are completely normal as we evolve and we should embrace them as they make us unique. 

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